GardenLife Log Cabins has rebranded to Palmako UK and launched a new modern shop at PALMAKO.CO.UK! 🡒 Go to the new website!🡐

Call 0131 660 6333
Mon-Fri: 9-5 & Sat: 10-2

Grace (8.1 sqm) garden room

A modern pent garden room with covered seating area

Garden decking ideas; an ideal winter gardening project

Garden decking ideas; an ideal winter gardening project

Put off garden decking ideas by 1990s TV garden makeovers? Don’t be, it offers unique and creative design possibilities, many of which you won't have ever considered. Garden decking has become a victim of its own success over the past few years – the subject of so...

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Self storage solutions and alternatives

Self storage solutions and alternatives

Too much stuff? What you need are some helpful ideas for self storage solutions and other alternatives. Lots of stuff; but not lots of space. It’s a growing problem for many of us, as modern flats and houses get smaller, and the number of things we accumulate grows...

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The best gardening apps to help your garden grow

The best gardening apps to help your garden grow

Smartphones and gardening apps are not the first thing to spring to mind when you’re thinking about good tools for the garden. But modern technology has made gardening easier and more accessible than ever. Answers to gardening problems or tips which once required a...

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Sloping garden design inspiration

Sloping garden design inspiration

Sloping garden design inspiration 5 ideas for hillside garden landscaping  Designing your dream garden can be daunting at the best of times; if you have a sloping patch, things can seem especially tricky. But there are a host of ways to work around the tilt. Here are...

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The best alternative to an overlap garden shed

The best alternative to an overlap garden shed

The best alternative to an overlap garden shed Shiplap, weatherboard, tongue & groove, chalet cut; what's the best alternative to an overlap garden shed? If you’re buying a timber building for your garden, you want it to last. After all, why bother choosing and...

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New summer houses, sun rooms, sheds and more

New summer houses, sun rooms, sheds and more

New summer houses, sun rooms, sheds and more Until recently, garden buildings generally came into two versions (and designs for new summer houses with few and far between). There were sheds, which were mostly utilitarian, and standard summer houses, which were mostly...

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GardenLife Log Cabins
Your rain garden guide – construction, location, plants and more
Hygge garden design? The lagom garden concept? Transform your garden in 2018
Garden security: tips for securing gardens and outbuildings
Garden decking ideas; an ideal winter gardening project
Self storage solutions and alternatives
The best gardening apps to help your garden grow
Sloping garden design inspiration
The best alternative to an overlap garden shed
New summer houses, sun rooms, sheds and more
GardenLife Log Cabins