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Mon-Fri: 9-5 & Sat: 10-2

Ella (6.9 sqm) pent summer house

A modern summer house with optional roof extension that’s under 2.5m high

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Planting bulbs – how, where and when

Planting bulbs – how, where and when

For novice or semi-committed gardeners, planting bulbs can be the ideal form of gardening. You do some gentle digging, plant the bulbs, ignore them for a few months, and then wake up in spring to a bank of daffodils, tulips, alliums or other bulbs of your choice. If...

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New and traditional ways to preserve fruit and veg

New and traditional ways to preserve fruit and veg

New and traditional ways to preserve fruit and veg Autumn is synonymous with harvest time, and if you have more than a couple of fruit trees, current bushes or a decent-sized vegetable patch, you’ll be vastly exceeding your five portions a day throughout September and...

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Garden shed maintenance advice: ten essential tips

Garden shed maintenance advice: ten essential tips

Some of the UK had 30+ degree temperatures this September, so you might think a post about garden shed maintenance advice is badly timed, but the first Christmas puddings also arrived on supermarket shelves this month. This, and the ever shortening days, is always a...

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