Call 0131 660 6333
Mon-Fri: 9-5 & Sat: 10-2

Ella (6.9 sqm) pent summer house

A modern summer house with optional roof extension that’s under 2.5m high

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Learn to grow your own fruit: 8 tips

Learn to grow your own fruit: 8 tips

If you want to learn to grow your own fruit you will be rewarded with an improved diet and a more beautiful garden, not to mention the fact that you'll helping out pollinators such as bees and butterflies (and reducing your carbon footprint). But there are so many...

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Our best posh garden sheds – big budget not required

Our best posh garden sheds – big budget not required

A shed is “a slight structure built for shelter or storage or for use as a workshop”, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, but that old-fashioned definition of the shed seriously underplays the possibilities of the modern shed (especially our best posh garden...

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Spring gardening jobs – our top ten list

Spring gardening jobs – our top ten list

Gardens can look desolate in March, despite the valiant efforts of spring sunshine and blooming snowdrops, daffodils and crocuses. Lawns can look ragged, pale and full of moss, flower and vegetable beds bare, and the ravages of winter storms are on full display. Even...

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